Assisting at-risk vulnerable
with special needs
Chair’ished Children is our flagship project that has been running since 2021. It has provided hundreds of specialised wheelchairs (buggies) for impoverished children living severely affected by cerebral palsy in deep rural South Africa. This initiative takes us to areas which are remote and inaccessible, where there are few resources, and caring for a profoundly disabled child is not easy at all. Most children we see have severe contractures and have never sat correctly in their lives.
Over the years this program has been modified, we now offer a Buggy Recycling Workshop weekend for therapists who work at hospitals in the district. They bring children to a single venue, either by hospital transport or by ambulance. Up to 9 hospitals have participated at one outreach and we have renovated buggies, taught therapists, and seated over 100 children over 2 days. Most of the children we fit into buggies have waited years for a mobility device.
We have fitted groups of children in deep rural KwaZulu Natal, Limpopo, Eastern Cape and Mpumalanga.
We also provide buggies to individual children who live in informal settlements, in Gauteng who don’t qualify for a buggy – children who don’t have a South African birth certificate fall into this category.