
+27 (0) 83 617 7520
Boikanyo Foundation Logo

Since early 2020, when Covid19 swept the world, the trauma our residents have endured in the informal shack-dwelling community has skyrocketed to astronomical levels. Children lost parents, grandparents, caregivers, and siblings. Unemployment has became rife, and there is just no money to buy food.

Schools still operate on a rotational system (one week off, one on). There has been a staggering increase in assaults and abuse. There is barely a respect for life anymore,  and we have seen things unimaginable.

The escalating abuse is something beyond our capacity to assist with.

We have noticed that the children (and adults) have become very dependent on their pets for love.  We realise that loving an animal is, in many cases, all that a child has. When beloved pets dies, children are distraught. To this end we sponsor Gideon Morar, an animal inspector, to come into the area once a month. He dips the animals for ticks and fleas, and he provides deworming tablets. We have even carried out mass parvovirus innoculation drives.  Gideon also gives out collars and leashes, and together we educate on how kindness to animals rebounds to humans.